We operate a family run Catholic Back to the Land Center/Family Homestead Farm. All members conduct themselves as true stewards of God’s land. We operate a regenerative farm that renews God’s creation while providing excellent nutrient dense food to the local community and supporting itself financially.
Pope Pius XII, in an address in 1946, stated: “We well know how much the moral recovery of the whole people depends on the steadfast faith and social integrity of the tillers of the soil...More than others, you live in permanent contact with nature...your families are not only communities of consumers, but more especially, communities of producers.
From the fact that your lifework is so profoundly, and at the same time, so generally and completely based upon the Family, and therefore so fully in conformity with the order of nature...Finally the stability of your Family life is the reason of the indispensable function you are called upon to exercise as the fount and bulwark of unsullied moral and religious life, as well as the reservoir of men, healthy in mind and body, for all the professions, for the Church and for the state.
Every possible care should be taken to preserve for the nation the essential elements..: love of work, simplicity and uprightness of life, respect for authority, love of country, readiness to give mutual help, and a truly religious attitude of mind. “ He goes on to say how the Church remains the heart of the village where you come together to raise the mind above material things in the praise and service to God.
“The fact that the working of a farm has an eminently Family character makes it of outstanding importance for the social and economic prosperity of the whole people."