We operate entirely off donations to include full and part time volunteers; there is no paid staff
Our goal is to maximize the opportunity for the retreat, which is why we provide a minimum suggested donation of $325 to cover the expenses
The recommended donation may change based on such things as travel costs for the Priest, etc. Once we have a confirmed Retreat Master, we will publish those dates with the recommended minimum donation
Please contact us if you can’t afford the minimum suggested donation as we don’t want to turn someone away
It is a MINIMUM suggested donation, so anything above and beyond is greatly appreciated. We are planning to build a Chapel and Retreat Center soon, and we are in need of donations to support that endeavor
You can also make a donation via check to: Edelweiss House, and mail to 592 N CR650 East, Greensburg, IN 47240
Reservation, Confirmation, and "Refund" Policy
We accept reservations based on receipt of reservation and will respond as quickly as we can if you have a space or stand-by
We will maintain standby lists for retreats if reservations exceed spaces available, so those people will be contacted in the event of a cancellation
Those on stand-by will receive preference for the next retreat
If you are unable to attend, please cancel as soon as possible so another person has the chance to attend
Donations are requested immediately online or as soon as possible by mail, which acts as your final confirmation for attendance to the retreat. If we do not have your donation to confirm your registration within 30 days of registering, we cannot guarantee you a reserved spot.
Even though we operate on donations, we understand that someone may need to cancel attendance and request their donation be returned
Any cancellations less than 30 days are subject to being non-refundable